Good evening, everyone,
I am pleased to announce that we have installed a modern theme to coincide with the Xenforo 2.3 update. This new look comes with many features for everyone to enjoy, some of which are listed below. While there are still a few minor tweaks to complete, we are excited to share it with you. We also have a few new offerings coming soon.
This new design will be the face of Offtopix, but rest assured, the other themes you currently use will still be available and will be updated accordingly. You can select them at the bottom of the screen.
First and foremost, this theme has many user-friendly features that will allow you to customize the site. To access those features, click on the menu in the header as seen in the image below.

This will open another tab called Theme Customization System. From this menu, you can change the site's look and colors, as seen in the image below.

The following image is self-explanatory. You can customize the site's colors and width and toggle between dark and light modes, depending on your preference. Additionally, several settings are available to alter the forum's appearance, allowing you to switch from single-column to dual-column layouts and modify the sidebar a bit.

We hope all of you enjoy our new look.
I am pleased to announce that we have installed a modern theme to coincide with the Xenforo 2.3 update. This new look comes with many features for everyone to enjoy, some of which are listed below. While there are still a few minor tweaks to complete, we are excited to share it with you. We also have a few new offerings coming soon.
This new design will be the face of Offtopix, but rest assured, the other themes you currently use will still be available and will be updated accordingly. You can select them at the bottom of the screen.
First and foremost, this theme has many user-friendly features that will allow you to customize the site. To access those features, click on the menu in the header as seen in the image below.

This will open another tab called Theme Customization System. From this menu, you can change the site's look and colors, as seen in the image below.

The following image is self-explanatory. You can customize the site's colors and width and toggle between dark and light modes, depending on your preference. Additionally, several settings are available to alter the forum's appearance, allowing you to switch from single-column to dual-column layouts and modify the sidebar a bit.

We hope all of you enjoy our new look.