Over 2200 Architects & Engineers Crush The ‘Official’ 9/11 Commission Report
9/11 Truth – A set of words that have become one of the most popular subjects of the past decade both on and off the internet. A subject that has become so popular and that has educated so many people that polls suggest more than 50% of the world doesn’t believe the official story put out by the American Government in the “9/11 Commission Report.”
For a long time, people have been ridiculed for questioning the official story -being called conspiracy theorists, anti-American, crazy and many more derogatory names. But does it make sense to put these people into this category given all of the evidence that exists to suggest the official story isn’t true? We aren’t talking about far reaching theories that can sometimes be found on internet websites, but actual hard scientific evidence.
more + videos: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/10/08/over-2200-architects-engineers-crush-the-official-911-commission-report/
seemed like only yesterday when people that thought and believed the official government report and story of 9/11 was fishy, and people rudely and viciously ridiculed them because of it, yet has the table turned on the "none-believers"?

9/11 Truth – A set of words that have become one of the most popular subjects of the past decade both on and off the internet. A subject that has become so popular and that has educated so many people that polls suggest more than 50% of the world doesn’t believe the official story put out by the American Government in the “9/11 Commission Report.”
For a long time, people have been ridiculed for questioning the official story -being called conspiracy theorists, anti-American, crazy and many more derogatory names. But does it make sense to put these people into this category given all of the evidence that exists to suggest the official story isn’t true? We aren’t talking about far reaching theories that can sometimes be found on internet websites, but actual hard scientific evidence.
more + videos: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/10/08/over-2200-architects-engineers-crush-the-official-911-commission-report/
seemed like only yesterday when people that thought and believed the official government report and story of 9/11 was fishy, and people rudely and viciously ridiculed them because of it, yet has the table turned on the "none-believers"?