This beach picture has now been shared almost 50,000 times and had over 500,000 likes on Facebook after it was captioned: ‘THIS WAS NOT BRAVE.’
Jessica Kane, a self-proclaimed plus size spokesperson and blogger from Portland, posted the picture two days ago to remind women that wearing a swimming costume to the beach shouldn’t be seen as ‘an act of bravery.’
She wrote: ‘THIS WAS NOT BRAVE. I’ve been told how brave I am for not having a cover-up, but going without a wrap would only take bravery if I cared what others thought of me, but I don’t. I spend my time worrying about things I CAN control and this day, I was only thinking about how fab I felt and how much sun I was catching.
She continued: ‘Things that DO take bravery? A family battling tragic illness, a mother trying to beat addiction, a person trying to break free of domestic violence, reaching out for help when you have already planned your suicide and feel like you can’t breath one more day. THAT is brave. Not wearing a swimsuit at the beach. LIVE life and only worry about what really matters.’
Jessica, who runs the Life and Style of Jessica blog, is creative director ofCool Gal Blue, and founded Skorch Magazine online, describes herself as a ’30-something body confidence fashion blogging pioneer’.
She writes that she’s ‘been every size from 12 to 32 in last 12 years,’ adding ‘no matter what size I am I will dress this body to the nines.’
She clarifies that she has no health problems and believes very much in exercise.
Well done Jessica. You are a true lady, classy, and no doubt sassy!

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