Loey Lane knows there are people who don't like the way she looks — and she doesn't care.
In a powerful video for YouTube called "Why Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Bikinis," the plus-size fashion vlogger proves she's not letting nasty comments about her size get to her, and encourages others to do the same.
"Why is it that someone else can dictate that you are not allowed to put something on your body that makes them uncomfortable?" Lane says in the video.
The 22-year-old also poses questions like why someone who is larger has to cover more square inches of their body to justify someone else's opinion, or why people assume she eats hamburgers just because of the way she looks.
And, she makes clear, she's not looking for unsolicited opinions about her body.
"It is really scary to think that because someone is wearing less clothing that they're asking for some sort of feedback," Lane says in the clip.
Just last month, another plus-size model, Tess Holliday, helped launch the #SimplyBekini movement to inspire all women to feel beach-ready.
"Any woman, no matter her size, any man, any human being, they're not looking for your approval or your praise of what they're wearing," Lane said. "If they post it on social media, they probably think they look bomb in it and to tell them anything less is just such a bad and negative thing to do."