Do you read the rules of a forum first thing? Or do you tend to just sign up and not care what the rules page happens to say?
I always read them before creating an account.
Have you ever broken a rule on a forum that you didn't even know existed? What rules have you broken?
Yes, it was a rule regarding using spoiler tags in signatures. There was absolutely nothing about it anywhere in the forum rules. The only rule regarding signatures pertained their size limit and what kind of images are not allowed in them (nude, Nazi, etc.), but there was absolutely nothing in there about spoiler tags.
So, being in a good mood and feeling like making a little joke, mainly for my own amusement, I placed a short text and a single smiley inside a spoiler, making sure to follow all the available signature rules to the letter. I was unpleasantly surprised when one of the moderators sent me a private message, telling me that spoilers aren't allowed in signatures, and asking me to remove it.
Okay, sure, no problem. I removed my entire signature and left it blank. I also rightfully pointed out that there was absolutely nothing about it in the forum rules, but that didn't mean absolutely anything to the moderator in question, because, apparently, I could've used the spoiler to hide an excessively large image in there to bypass the size limit rule.
Uuumm... what? :huh2: I could've also tell him to go fu*k himself, but I didn't, just like I didn't hide anything excessively large in there. I guess it was easier for him to go rule Nazi on me by invoking an invisible rule than to take a moment to open the spoiler and check what's inside.