I watched the 1980ish RoboCop recently, and I have to say that I didn't like it nearly as much as I was hoping to. The acting wasn't anything too delectable, and ultimately, they didn't really build any character development. While I know that individuals rant and rave about remakes a lot, I do believe that 2014's RoboCop is the superior movie. Gary Oldman, Nebulousl Kinnaman, and Samuel L. Jackson did very well in their roles, and I think they really were more immersed in their performances than the original actors.
Neither movie is free from fault, however, in-fact, the remake had various problems, while Oldman did well in his role, the transition to him starting to become corrupt for the sake of success wasn't as seamless as it could have been. Also, the fact that 2014's version missed a lot of notes that I believe were hit by the original. I think what I liked about 2014's in the fact that the satire and sarcasm thrown about toward politics was actually funny, whereas the original felt silly. Also, they provided more of a reason as to why RoboCop needed to exist. They said that they needed a man to be inside of the robot to gain the support of voters, whereas with the original, they did it more for shits and giggles than anything else.