MSN News: Schumer Calls On FDA To Ban Green Laser Pointers
The feds should ban powerful green laser pointers that can blind pilots, Sen. Chuck Schumer said Sunday. Schumer called on the Food and Drug Administration to prohibit the devices, which are brighter, travel farther, and can do more damage to the eye than other laser colors.
“These green lasers are the weapons of choice when it comes to taking aim at airplanes for people who are up to no good,” Schumer said. “We have to do all we can to ground these lasers for the safety of the pilots here with me today and the passengers who depend on them.”
There were 88 incidents of a laser pointer being pointed at an airplane at New York airports in 2014 — 19 at JFK, 41 at LaGuardia, and 28 at Newark — and 74 of those involved green lasers, Schumer said. A man was arrested last week for allegedly pointing a green laser at planes at LaGuardia.
The devices can temporarily blind a pilot and make it hard to fly a plane, and also have the potential to cause permanent eye damage. Pilot Dan Genzale recalled getting hit with a laser while approaching a Florida airport. “These are lasers where the potential for an accident to happen is much greater,” he said. “This can be a potentially deadly situation.”
It’s already a crime to point a laser at a pilot, but Schumer said the green devices should be banned altogether because legitimate tasks that rely on laser pointers can be accomplished with less dangerous lasers of other colors.