Science is imploding
Anybody who has been following the actual scientific research and debates about climate already knows that the enterprise is hopelessly compromised by politics....

Anybody who has been following the actual scientific research and debates about climate already knows that the enterprise is hopelessly compromised by politics.
Yet in the case of climate research, we shouldn’t be surprised. Literally trillions of dollars are at stake, as well as the ability of the Establishment to take control over every aspect of our lives. It would be a wonder if money and politics DIDN’T come to corrupt the entire field.
Unfortunately, the politicization of that field opened the door to politicizing every aspect of science, and that effort is bearing fruit. There are few areas of study where politics has not become the dominant variable in determining what is funded, what is studied, what can be said, who can say it, and what is published.
As the current generation of scientists ages out, few people will be left to push back in defense of actual science. We saw this process take place in the Soviet Union with Lysenkoism, and it got so bad that the only fields that weren’t completely ruined were physics and mathematics. The Russians still excel in those fields, but in nothing else due to the Soviet hangover. That process is well on its way to destroying science in the West, although technical fields are still thriving. But anything that can touch on politics is fundamentally compromised....