We don't get them now. We live a bit off the road and private drive so nobody is coming up to the house now. When we used to live in town with sidewalks, we did some solicitors. Usually 7th Day adventists or JWs. Sometime people offering a service. And of course lots of kids selling stuff.
I used to answer the door and just say no thanks. Sometimes I would patiently listen. And kids selling stuff, sometimes i bought stuff. But, now, if someone comes to my door, I just don't answer it. I didn't ask anyone to come knocking so I don't feel any obligation to answer the door. I don't feel any obligation to answer the phone either for numbers I do not know.
Oh and if someone invites me to a "party" that is really just some MLM thing to sell me pampered chef or something. I immediately toss those in the trash with no "rsvp". Don't pretend you are inviting me to a "party" and require an RSVP when in reality you are inviting me to sell me some crap. And if I have never been invited to your house for a real social gathering nor you to mine,, then don't invite to come buy you stuff. So, since it's not a real party, then there is no obligation to rsvp, that just gets tossed.