A follower of the philosophical works of Friedrich Nietzsche.
Self improvement for it's own sake, to gain knowledge above all else and become superior to your old self is the main thing.
in regard to the specific topic regarding god and religion there's a saying. God is Dead.
What that actually means however is that god, whether or not he/she/it existed, but the concept of god effectively dead because the very concept has been perverted and changed from it's original meaning.
what was originally a tribal religious entity (in jahova/yaweh's case a sun god), has been perverted and contrived from it's original concept by the church into a form of control through fear and promises of an afterlife if you obey.
It holds us back as a species and so shrugging off the yolk of religious oppression is part of the major steps to becoming better than human, to evolve beyond it. to become as nietzsche termed, the ubermensch.
Don't confuse this with the corrupted Nazi version because they didn't even try to understand Nietzsche's philosophies, just took parts of it to make their own group look superior without actually doing so.
Here's the key bit that I follow in earnest however.
When you become an ubermensch it's kind of your duty to try and help elevate others to that same status. to share knowledge and help others grow while still improving on yourself.
of course I throw a little Darwinism and Pragmatism in there as well but that's my personal beliefs outside of it.
After all if someone refuses help that's freely given simply because they don't wish to learn to do so themselves and no longer require help then that's their choice and the outcome they chose.