A lot of stuff regarding Chloe Sullivan became much harder to watch after Allison Mack was discovered to have been involved in a sex-traffiking cult and was later arrested and sentenced to prison.
--In Season 3, Chloe and Clark's friendship takes a hit when he learns she was secretly working for Lionel Luthor behind his back. The shock and anger of this perceived betrayal seems darkly predictive of the same feelings fans had after hearing of Mack's involvement in sex trafficking.
--At the end of Season 7, Chloe is arrested by a group posing as the FBI; Mack was arrested by the FBI for real.
--The moral of "Unsafe" with Chloe spouting about teenage sexual activity loses credibility with this scandal, since Mack alongside her mentor Keith Raniere created a sex cult.
--A Season 4 episode revealed Chloe's greatest fear is that she will end up going insane. Her actress absolutely did in real life.
SmallvilleHarsher in Hindsight in this series. In "Kinetic", Clark tries to console Whitney by telling him that he'll "probably go farther than anyone else in this town." Next season, Whitney gets blown up by a landmine. The episode has another …