Dee said:SPOILERS! Please do not scroll down unless you want to be spoiled about tonight's episode.
I really loved Carol in this episode. I didn't like her much in the beginning because of how weak and vulnerable she was, but she's really blossomed as a character and I love that. I loved how she took action to save Rick and the gang, and when Daryl ran up to her and hugged her at the end? That was the cutest shit in the world. He looked like such a happy little puppy. I really loved everything about this episode, even though they didn't stay in Terminus very long.
Oh! And I was excited to see Morgan back. I love his character despite him only being in two episodes (three now). I wonder what they're going to have him do in comparison to the comics. I don't read them, but it sounds like there's some changes as to how his character has worked out.
Yeah Carol was badass in this episode! I like how she grabbed Dayrl's bow and brought it to him too, that was sweet. ^^
I do wonder if that black guy (forgot his name) really killed that douche who was threatening the baby or not. Maybe he'll pop up later and get some revenge.