The "rebel flag" we see today is the Army of Tennessee battle flag. NOT the Confederate States of America flag (which
Collintouched on). The flag we know today as "Stars and Bars" is not that -- it was a completely different flag, that held a completely different purpose. Now, with that being said - a flags point is to show ownership and representation of land or militia, such as these flags. The North had their own, along with each Army (which was by state then) had their own. The Army of Tennessee (rebel flag) would wave with their calvary as they entered battle.
And can we STOP calling it the "Rebel Flag" because the Rebel Army, and the Confederate Army were two different groups that fought for two different "causes".
Half the South wanted to free slaves, and the other didn't. War was eminent.
The fact is, the flag has been, undoubtedly, used as a "mascot" (if you will) for racial wars. Duh. BUT it's a flag. A mere representation of a group -- a club.
Flags, no matter the content, should not offend anyone. And if that's the case, burn them all because each country that flies a flag, no matter the colors or political background, has done something somewhere in History to hurt, kill, or offend thousands.
This flag was, once a symbol of a strong Army fighting for the rights of its people - but over the years so many ignorant, uneducated people have turned it into a symbol of race. It's sad really.
And whom ever said "this flag is the reason a horrible crime was committed" is a f*cking idiot. First it was video games and rock music -- now a flag?!
Flags don't kill people.