What annoys me? Ay mi dÃo, que una lista.
Religious people--it's fine to believe in something, but don't you DARE force it down my throat. I am Agnostic. If you have a problem with that, drop dead...seriously, it pisses me off. Also, the Westboro Baptists get a special mention here, since they're nothing but a bunch of arrogant, immature pricks who think the freedom of speech was designed so they could go to funerals and offend grieving families. They're the reason we need limits on that freedom.
Judgemental people--a biggie (and yes, the WBC is yet again noteworthy here). I'm eccentric. I'm a feminine guy. I'm a nerd. I like randomly speaking in other languages. Got a problem with that? Tough, because I ain't changing. And the fact that I have a gf that loves me just the way I am is all the more reason not to change. But seriously, I hate it when people judge others. If you're gonna be a prick and hate me, at least get to know me first.
Arrogant people--seriously, what the hell? I hate it when people think they're gods. I mean, I'm not afraid to admit when I do something right or that I'm proud of myself, but I'm also willing to admit to my flaws (and no, I'm an a-hole isn't the only one, unlike some people). It bugs the hell out of me when people act like they're some kind of super-genius/god/super-human and go around treating others like subservients.
People that play keep-away--this is just a pet peeve, but it's a big one. I can't stand it when people take something from either me or someone around me and then pull the old what are you talking about? I don't have it routine. I know it's a joke, but it's immature. I mean, come on...grow up, people. Worst part is, they think it's funny, when they're the only one laughing.
Nosy people--a HUGE pet peeve. Seriously, I can't stand it when people look over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. It's fine if it's someone I know, but a stranger or someone I just met? Hell no. I still dislike a person because one of the first things she ever did was look over my shoulder while I was talking to some friends in a chat. It just pisses me off.
And my BIGGEST two irritants:
People that think learning multiple languages is useless knowledge--no, it isn't. Learning languages is enriching and valuable knowledge. It enables us to travel the world without sounding like idiots in every country we visit. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities. For example, I might someday move to Sweden, or at least stay for an extended time. I'm learning Swedish, even though I don't need it for my education. I'm also learning Hungarian, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, American Sign Language, Scottish Gaelic, French, and Dutch, and messed around a bit with Romanian, Icelandic, Belorussian, and a handful of others. Is that useless knowledge? NO!! Imagine how many places I could visit, and imagine how good that'll look on a resumé (granted, I could care less about that). That's not what I would call useless knowledge.
People who don't bother to learn at LEAST one other language--similar to the first one, but not exactly. It bothers me when people say Oh, I know English, that's enough. People should learn English anyway. I say to that BULL!! It wouldn't KILL a person to learn just ONE other language. I mean, at least TRY. Seriously, anyone who can't bother with a second language is useless in my opinion. It's not rocket-science, and it can REALLY help people in the long run to know at least one other language. So why don't people bother? It's beyond me >.>
Sorry for the rant. I'm just in one of those moods XD Props if you took the time to read that
Religious people--it's fine to believe in something, but don't you DARE force it down my throat. I am Agnostic. If you have a problem with that, drop dead...seriously, it pisses me off. Also, the Westboro Baptists get a special mention here, since they're nothing but a bunch of arrogant, immature pricks who think the freedom of speech was designed so they could go to funerals and offend grieving families. They're the reason we need limits on that freedom.
Judgemental people--a biggie (and yes, the WBC is yet again noteworthy here). I'm eccentric. I'm a feminine guy. I'm a nerd. I like randomly speaking in other languages. Got a problem with that? Tough, because I ain't changing. And the fact that I have a gf that loves me just the way I am is all the more reason not to change. But seriously, I hate it when people judge others. If you're gonna be a prick and hate me, at least get to know me first.
Arrogant people--seriously, what the hell? I hate it when people think they're gods. I mean, I'm not afraid to admit when I do something right or that I'm proud of myself, but I'm also willing to admit to my flaws (and no, I'm an a-hole isn't the only one, unlike some people). It bugs the hell out of me when people act like they're some kind of super-genius/god/super-human and go around treating others like subservients.
People that play keep-away--this is just a pet peeve, but it's a big one. I can't stand it when people take something from either me or someone around me and then pull the old what are you talking about? I don't have it routine. I know it's a joke, but it's immature. I mean, come on...grow up, people. Worst part is, they think it's funny, when they're the only one laughing.
Nosy people--a HUGE pet peeve. Seriously, I can't stand it when people look over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. It's fine if it's someone I know, but a stranger or someone I just met? Hell no. I still dislike a person because one of the first things she ever did was look over my shoulder while I was talking to some friends in a chat. It just pisses me off.
And my BIGGEST two irritants:
People that think learning multiple languages is useless knowledge--no, it isn't. Learning languages is enriching and valuable knowledge. It enables us to travel the world without sounding like idiots in every country we visit. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities. For example, I might someday move to Sweden, or at least stay for an extended time. I'm learning Swedish, even though I don't need it for my education. I'm also learning Hungarian, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, American Sign Language, Scottish Gaelic, French, and Dutch, and messed around a bit with Romanian, Icelandic, Belorussian, and a handful of others. Is that useless knowledge? NO!! Imagine how many places I could visit, and imagine how good that'll look on a resumé (granted, I could care less about that). That's not what I would call useless knowledge.
People who don't bother to learn at LEAST one other language--similar to the first one, but not exactly. It bothers me when people say Oh, I know English, that's enough. People should learn English anyway. I say to that BULL!! It wouldn't KILL a person to learn just ONE other language. I mean, at least TRY. Seriously, anyone who can't bother with a second language is useless in my opinion. It's not rocket-science, and it can REALLY help people in the long run to know at least one other language. So why don't people bother? It's beyond me >.>
Sorry for the rant. I'm just in one of those moods XD Props if you took the time to read that