Kathy Ellen said:Hi Jazzy, Rap and Cin...
What a joke to unban you all just to get membership numbers up.
Say what!!! Jimbo is getting married....great news...anyone we know?????
Hiya KE, how great to see you again! First Aussie Pam and now you! All we need now is Gilly and maybe a few FOCers and we'll be as good as new with all the nice ones! hee hee hee

I'll ask Jimbo to come along too.

Sadly, it's not such great news, Kathy Ellen. Jimbo met a lovely lady and fell head over heels! For several months he told everyone on facebook how wonderful she was and how happy she made him, it was so sweet to see and he SO deserves a lovely lady in his life! She sounded lovely too and then they spoke of getting married in September and how happy they were together. Even though it was a whirlwind relationship, they just seemed to fit so well together. Anyhow, this morning Jimbo said that the wedding was off and in his typical jester style he added that anyone who'd bought wedding clothes could wear them to another wedding and anyone who'd bought wedding presents could still drop them off at his house! He's such a card! He says he's now picking up the pieces, poor love!
However, on a good note, his daughter Chantelle has just had a baby boy. She's still living in the States but Jimbo's happy that she's happy and more settled now.

So now, how are you KE? Are you back at school yet? You go back a lot earlier than us. I will have a year 5/6 class again this year, which I'm really pleased about. I had quite a few of them 2 years ago, when I had a year 4 class. This year I had a year 1/2 class who were adorable, I'm really going to miss them. However, hopefully I'll get them again in a year or two. It's funny, we had a 'meet the teacher' morning and the year 6's that I will be teaching were a lot sillier and more immature that the 5 & 6 year olds that I had been teaching! Still, I prefer teaching the older ones and I'm looking forward to working on the Leavers play later on, as I haven't been involved in one yet! Hope things are going well for you and I know you'll be enjoying your kidlets too. Hugs to you, lovely. Mel. xxx