I had bullies once... had one try to push me off the third floor into the courtyard...
fortunately at the time I'd been learning martial arts so I stopped myself from something very lethal. not much happened after that, I dropped out, got my GED, had my home searched for WMD's after being called racist by the vice principal... weird times.
Thats crazy, sound more like attempted murder than bullying.

Did you drop out because of the bullies or was that unrelated?
more recently had a family member be physically abusive... it didn't really work because martial arts but jealousy is a strong motivator no matter how many punches get deflected and times the person is thrown.
it unfortunately got into a legal battle but I've not a permanent restraining order so it's no longer an issue. If only they'd dropped it when their punch was deflected and were tossed onto the couch the first time...
Sorry to hear that, family sure can get ugly sometimes. I know that from experience.
If you're ever being bullied I highly recommend starting with tai-chi. It's good for focusing the mind but more importantly it's a purely defensive martial art, when sped up it deflects punches, kicks, etc and can be combined with multiple fighting styles to suit your tastes.
and hey... they have to give up sometime right?