Saw this over on Facebook and it reminds me that there are always exceptions to any rule....Now we can argue the politics of abortion the whole day long but I'd challenge anyone to walk up to any of the women mentioned above and tell them abortion is murder.
Go on, we'll wait.
This was already posted and discussed
Which is why you can't "completely" write abortion off as an evil and bad thing. My ex sister in law should have had an abortion on all 3 of her kids. She abuses them and does drugs around them. CPS has been in and out of their lives. They won't take them and put them in foster homes. They won't do jack shit. They have taken Ashley's kids once because they had Meth in their system and made me and my ex wife keep them. But then Child Services turned around and gave her kids right back to her. She beats her two sons. There's no telling what she does to her little girl. I know her boyfriend has anger issues and he beats her and he's done it in front of my kids. Which is why, since our divorce. I don't allow my kids around my ex wife's sister. I even bought 2 guns because of how screwed up she is in case she sends one of her druggy friends over to my house to threaten me.
People like her are why I'm Pro Choice.
A child being born to an abusive parent is unacceptable. Some people shouldn't breed or ever have kids. I feel like Pro Life people are under the impression that Child Protective Services is doing a wonderful job. That they're going to save those kids. They're not. They might save a few. They might take the wrong person's kids. But when you take away abortion and make people who are abusive or who suffer from drug addiction that get high, fuck, and get pregnant. Those are the people you want to get an Abortion. They'll abuse the fetus with narcotics. It'll come out with birth defects (retardation). They might even kill it after it's born being neglectful or by exposing it to drugs. If you're lucky, they might have a miscarriage. I see abortion as a mercy for children who will be born to toxic people who don't need kids. Who would hurt those kids. Should those people really be having kids in that environment? Are those toxic people suitable to be parents? Fuck no.
My mother used to be a social worker when I was a little boy. She has a few friends who still work in the profession and a lot of times they can't do anything. A mistake they make is giving the parents a chance to get their shit together because they claim they have no place to put the kids and some social workers don't like taking children home to their personal life. But will if they absolutely have no choice. My mom used to get me up at 5 in the morning to go seize people's kids. A major deterrent is when those parents become defensive and make death threats as they send a social worker "alone" to other people's houses that are abusive. So they have to come back with a police officer or a sheriff. You also have a lot of social workers who don't give a shit about their job. It's not the best system.
There's a guy on Forum Promotion that goes on and on that adoption is the best thing. No it isn't. My mother worked in that system. They can't do nothing. Child Services in Missouri is broken. It's a joke. That's why my mom quit. She wanted to make a difference and she couldn't because of how broken of a system that it is. For one, you should never hand the kids back over to their parents when you took them for the sole reason that their parents were abusive.
I didn't believe my mom at first. I thought maybe they hand them back when they make a mistake. Until they gave Ashley, my junky ex sister in law, her kids back to her. She's a meth head, who officially diagnosed mentally unstable, and doesn't need to have kids. She needs to put them up for adoption but she won't. She tortures them but believes herself to be a good mother. Her own mom has called CPS on her multiple times. My ex wife called CPS on her several times and had them do a drug test which resulted in them being taken. But NO....they give them right back to the bitch.
I can't believe Pro Lifer's want those "kinds" of people to breed and be "responsible" and have kids or call it murder. No. Let them have an abortion.
Those people are already toxic and irresponsible. It's better than them abusing the baby and victimizing it. How is that ANY better? What makes you think they can take care of a kid? One way or the other the kid is going to be a victim. Let responsible people have kids that want them.