But heck lets leave our military on our own soil defenseless.
On Sunday evening, a concealed carry permit holder demonstrated exactly why citizens should be armed and know how to use their weapons, as he protected himself and three others, including a woman and a one-year-old boy.
Thomas McCary was arguing with a woman on Sunday night around 7:30pm. However, when the woman's brother, Patrick Ewing, walked over to see what all the fuss was about, that's when McCary drew a .38-caliber handgun and fired at him.
McCary's three shots failed to hit their mark, but Ewing, who was carrying his gun, fired three shots at McCary, striking in the leg.
Instead of going to take care of himself, McCary went into his house, retrieved another handgun (now carrying two) and shot three more shots in the direction of the woman he was arguing with and her one-year-old son, along with another man.
Ewing fired several more shots at McCary as the man, woman and the one-year-old sought refuge in their homes to avoid being shot.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/07/c...tion-of-woman-1-year-old/#oiZ3EBp2F2EgehQa.99