Thanks. I'll let you know if I ever do, so we can compare experiences as foreigners figuring out the US (but I'm actually headed for Michigan because my best friend is from there).Yeah, it was nice to explore, absolutely, I hope you get the chance to see Colorado and AZ one day, both beautiful states!
Agreed, we've lost so many of our abilities to just be open.
Sounds like the early days of what would become rom hacking almost!
Now that I think about it... you think doxxing became a thing because we used to just... hand out our info? Some of my profiles would be like: "Hey! I'm JoJo! I'm 14-years-old and I'm from *specific city*! *Insert a whole bunch of other identifying factors*". Some of my American friends took it even further by even saying what school they attended and what class they were (mostly freshmen). And if the site allowed them to upload pics of themselves for points and rating? OH, BOY! I think some people are just not cool with that "right to info" being gone nowadays. Certainly a thought.
Right? That's a nice way of putting it.