But I have never fallen for it but I did acknowledge that it was total bullshit.
I was looking at a refurbished XBONE that was supposedly in Like New condition, and the price they were charging made me say fuck that, and just wait for the model I wanted, to drop in price once the new one came out.
I am a very patient person when it comes to me wanting to get more bang for my buck.. and I am not always in a hurry to get the newest thing because I remember from my experiences with Apple that sometimes the newest thing is shit.. so, you can say that I am probably their worst enemy where this is concerned. My strong desire to get the biggest bang for my buck and commitment to never paying full price for anything supercedes my desire for the newest thing. I don't care how long the wait is.
Anyway, I ended up getting my brother's old Project Scorpio (and the model he got was the most expensive version released though I forget the name of it) that he killed because he games so hard that you'd think he was getting paid for it, and all it needs is a new power supply and fan.
Overall I spent less on parts for a new(er) console and much better than the one I was looking at and unlike with a refurb'd one from GameStop, (which was a few years older) I at least know where this console came from and how it was treated before it got to me. My brother babies his consoles and he has even taught his sons to do the same.
And with respect to trading in games, the same answer applies.
We bought GTA 5 new at GameStop for $40 and never opened it but had to return it the next day because we had the same version at home.
Even though we had the receipt and saw the same guy the next day, he told my husband that the most he could do was $10 because it was an old game and technically used even though he didn't open it. My husband asked him how much he would sell it to another person for in the same condition and he said $35.
The clerk and manager agreed with my husband that it was bullshit, but it was the company policy. We ended up keeping that game as a spare in case one of ours goes bad or something.
But returning it and losing $30 was not worth it.