May I ask why you believe some travel at will?rather than ghosts who I perceive as residual. As in a story that continues to repeat an event. Where as Spiritual are to me people who choose to remain at their place of death. For their own
For the Christians, they simply ignore the verses in both the Old and New Testaments that say, to paraphrase: "yeah, they're out there, you're better off leaving them alone".
This would of been my Grandmother. Who would only of seen it as a sign of Satan's evil doings.
I always ask them what they thought Paul was talking about in Ephesians 6.
Im curious to their responses when asked. I would consider the logic would dismiss it as Satan's evil.
As for Elementals, once upon a time a Wiccan friend of mine was living in an historic house that's older than the country, and there was an upset Elemental that resided down the hill from her. It evidently had never gotten over that during Colonial times somebody had dammed up its creek and built a mill. They managed to reach a truce, but it was an uneasy one, and she moved out as soon as her lease was up.
I hadn't heard of elemental's until recently on a hunt. Which is why your Saul reference struck a nerve. Ironically they would be my worst fear
I've heard of Hag attacks, and the same sort of phenomenon under other names, such as an Incubus and his sister, the Succubus, which I understand can be somewhat more pleasurable, at least at the beginning. While some of those may be random, I don't think they all are, and I'm not sure if there is any defense that would work continuously. You may have to invoke some sort of ritual protection you use every night like brushing your teeth before bed... .... until it loses its power, then find a new one.
This to my own experience has never happened unless women truly cannot have wet dreams but I certainly wouldn't dismiss it
So, for your Hunter friends, you're a human divining rod. Maybe you should charge by the hour.
They believe that, personally I think it's because I believe in them. How I speak, which is always in a respectful polite way. Just like I would to the living. This matters to me as a person, I see it no different when talking to them.
There was this one gentleman at the Asylum. I was told he was a darker person. I didn't sense that. I sensed he had some form of depression. Which meant he didn't like being around people. So rather than be nice he did things to make them leave. To me that is logical. I was talking to him, he started to do things I asked of him. But at any time I asked if I could put on the light, he'd stop doing it. He wasn't nasty he just liked to be spoken to with respect and politeness. I see that as normal.
Another time, was a really bad man. He was on my last hunt. He was a free mason. He hated women, he was intimidating and dark. You could sense it. I'm not exactly a submissive woman. But as he took on to "Morphing" one of the group. I saw it start and no longer could watch. In fact every instinct in my body told me not too. I didn't others did, but there were a lot of Satanic presences in that place. Funny they masked their practices behind the church. Fascinating building and place. But people were murdered for knowing their secrets. One woman I spoke to was too scared to move on.