Finally someone who wants to take our rights away & admits it!
Mmk, you are crossing a line here. I am libertarian and I'm am in full support of the preservation of our rights and civil liberties. Gun rights are the one exception, I would be willing to take away gun rights, or at least add strict control to save lives. To reduce crime.
The Constitution prevents the American government from being able to ban guns. All American citizens are garunteed the right to keep & bear arms. It's people like you who want to take that right away.
Yes, I would take that right away. To save lives and reduce crime. I would also legalize marijuana. But get this through your head. The constitution CAN be amended, and it has been 27 times! The bill of rights was not originally part of the constitution, but was later added as an AMENDMENT. Your point here is totally bogus because the same exact manner in which the right to bear arms was added to the constitution is how it would be removed.
Gun control zealots like to name Columbine & Virginia Tech as examples of why we need gun control. Ironically both of these shootings were in gun free zones. I guess the murderers couldn't read the signs informing them that they weren't allowed to kill anyone. In April of last year 14 were killed in a shooting in Binghamton, New York. Interestingly, the state of New York has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.
This argument just reeks a lack of thought. Gun control would ban or strictly limit guns across the entire united states. Guns would be strictly monitored on the border. In New York.... HELLO. A person can purchase a gun in any state, put it in their pocket, drive to New York and use it despite the availability of guns in New York itself. This argument fails to even make a proper point.
Gun control is unconstitutional & statistic after statistic proves that it makes the citizen less safe.
Did you even read my last post? I'm sure this is one of the statistics you are referring to.... Australian Pre and Post Gun Control Crime Data. No? Perhaps you could link me to the statistic after statistic that proves that a lack of guns in a society makes them less safe.
As your liberal friends like to say, the debate is over.
I've never said that. Stop trying to use the word liberal as an insulting term. First of all it's misleading, inaccurate, and doesn't even have a negative connotation with properly educated people.
But as far as I'm concerned, based on your last reply, you were grasping. I think the debate really is over.