Some positive drama can help boost activity, if done right and with the right people. If you're unsure how someone would react to being teased, you can try proverbially poking that person a bit to gauge their reaction and work your way from there, either up or back down, being fully prepared to receive a negative reaction. If that happens, don't try to mock and ridicule the person for not being a good sport. Just apologize and back off.
Debate threads are spawning pools for negative drama, and all posters there should steer clear of going after someone on a personal level as a head-bashing weapon for having a different opinion on the subject. Staff members should closely monitor such threads and nip every hint of drama in the bud, before it grows out of control.
I'm still unsure if staff members should even participate in debates, especially when they get heated. I've seen how staff members like to abuse their superior status to win in such debates by provoking the non-staff members into saying or doing something that's against the forum rules, like cursing at them for being arrogant, pompous jerks, so they'd have an excuse to ban them and therefore have the final word, to make their opinion final and no longer open for debate.
Reputation system can also cause drama if (ab)used as a weapon against the unlike-minded individuals, to tell them to shut up. I've seen it happen lots of times. I've also witnessed forum staff condoning such behavior because "it's not against the rules", but at the same time turning a blind eye on blatant rules' violations, when it suited them. Hypocrites.