Written in response to several Life-Long Democrats who now wish they'd never cast a vote For Anybody.
Many of the people who now will not talk about politics are good, hard working, law abiding, and even religious people. Veterans. Long time union members. Retired teachers and current line workers.
And the vast majority of the ones that fit into the category we're looking at were, and some still are, registered Democrats who feel betrayed by their own party.
A few are Republicans who are just as disgusted because those who they thought stood for something only stand for themselves, and re-election, while they now 'reach across the aisle' to pass bills that they once spoke harshly against.
The party that they have supported with votes, time, and cash donations, and even the occasional shouting match and fist fight, simply isn't Their Democratic Party. It hasn't been for a long time. And now they can't ignore it any longer.
The Democratic Party that is currently in power is the Party of Gay Marriage, of legal pot for all, of coddling illegal immigrants with tax money, and giving lip service to terrorists who are promising to kill everybody they possibly can.