Hmm, throughout most of my life, I've sported short hair, and even now, it remains short. It's been styled at various short lengths over the years. There was only one brief period when I experimented with a slightly longer look, reaching just below the shoulders or around that length, but that didn't last long.
I don't mind short hair. I've had it most of my life, and it's easier to take care of. Honestly, when my hair starts getting a little longer, I'm not sure what to do with it, so I usually end up cutting it. I guess I've gotten used to it after so many years. But I do think I look good with short hair, so it's all good.
However, now that I'm getting older, I'll probably stick with short hair because it tends to be the best choice for most people as they age, especially with concerns about hair thinning. Sometimes, though, I do feel a bit sad that I never experienced having long hair, but I guess that's just how it goes.