It's kind of a funny story.. but when I got married back in 2010, I kept my name the same for numerous reasons, mainly financial and to keep my rent at the same rate, since I didn't add my husband to my household.. my name stayed the same until about 2017, when my Mom filled out the passport form for everyone as we were going on a cruise, and it would be processed faster and they ended up putting my full name on my passport, followed by my husband's last name.
So at the airport and cruise terminal I presented both my NYS ID and my passport so that they could see that I was the same person.. and that continued to be the case UNTIL I had to renew my NYS ID with my new address and I had to upgrade to the enhanced ID because I would be going on another cruise in December. When I gave the clerk at the DMV my passport, she basically put my new ID in the same name as my passport..
So technically, I didn't change my name, my Mom did.. and as of December last year, I officially had my husband's name. I would've changed it myself after I moved but I hesitated for the reason mentioned above and, because I remember the EXTREMELY annoying task of trying to get both halves of my BC from my parents before I got married, (each swore that the other had the other half of my BC, when in truth, they both ended up giving me the SAME half lol) and I wasn't even going to bother asking them about my passport, which I hadn't used since we came from Germany when I was a kid. I signed the closing documents in my maiden name, and so, I am not sure what the amendment process for that will be like should I need to update it in the future.