Obama has changed the Oath of Allegiance for new citizens. They do not need to declare that they will defend the USA.
Obama is transparent now. The next 18 months are going to be hell for this country.
Why would we want anyone becoming a citizen of this country who did not want to defend it? Obama will ensure their voting rights — to vote for traitors like him — so his “radical transformation” (more like takedown) towards leftist/Islamic totalitarianism continues.
Obama Administration Strips Requirement to Defend The United States From Citizenship Oath
Katie Pavlich |
Townhall, Jul 22, 2015
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has “clarified” requirements for individuals becoming naturalized citizens by stripping out the requirement of defending the United States through military service.
“Effective July 21, 2015, new guidance (PA-2015-001) in the USCIS Policy Manual clarifies the eligibility requirements for modifications to the Oath of Allegiance.
Reciting the Oath is part of the naturalization process. Candidates for citizenship normally declare that they will “bear arms on behalf of the United States” and “perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States” when required by the law.
A candidate may be eligible to exclude these two clauses based on religious training and belief or a conscientious objection,” an email from USCIS clarifying the requirements states (bolding is mine).
The new guidance:
-May be eligible for modifications based on religious training and belief, or conscientious objection arising from a deeply held moral or ethical code.
-Is not required to belong to a specific church or religion, follow a particular theology or belief, or to have had religious training in order to qualify.
-May submit, but is not required to provide, an attestation from a religious or other type of organization, as well as other evidence to establish eligibility.