Why do you think males go around forums (and websites) pretending to be a female? Any opinions on this subject?
They are probably pedophiles looking to get some NSFW pics from kids.. this would be one way to do it.. pretend to be a teen (regardless of gender, but it is usually them pretending to be a girl) and make some nsfw posts to get some gullible teen to respond and then use a fake pic to get him to let his guard down and then when he shows you his, you add it to your collection.
No, I have NOT done this, however, I have accidentally encountered a forum like this and on IF no less.. and this came directly from the owner herself.. and as soon as I figured out where I was, and what was on the forum, I reported that shit and the one on PB as well run by the same people.
They actually linked to the new forum on PB and abandoned the IF forum because of the server outages..
I ended up at this forum because I from the IF directory and they were listed as a GFX forum.. I didnt want to scroll for days looking through the boards with astronomical members and posts, because they usually had egos to match.. and after dealing with immature shit from certain cliquish designers on PB especially from those on SSD and other design sites, I decided to try and learn how to make my own gfx and skins.
Anyway, on this day, I decided to list in reverse order and I randomly picked a page and then clicked on the first forum I saw. I forgot the name but these people used the words elf and elven a lot.. I didn't think much of it and figured that it was a gfx forum dedicated to LOTR or some other fantasy shit.
It wasn't.. it was actually a dogwhistle code for children. I guess they didnt want to get flagged or look suspicious to be talking about kids on a forum that is meant for gfx..
At any rate, I clicked around what looked like a dead but once very active forum, and I didnt see any tutorials or anything like that.. which I thought was odd but figured that it might've been hidden to guests or something.. so I joined.. and just as I suspected, there was the tutorial section, which didnt have much in it and a premium gfx section..
I went there and the first thing I see is pictures of children in various states of undress and the people in the threads were posting about what they would do, and worse, have done to the children around them. I took screenshots of everything I could and before I left, I clicked on what was an FAQ thread where the admin was answering people's questions..
I ended up in a multi-page thread in which someone asked the admin how they managed to get such a large collection and asked for tips on how they could do the same.
And the admin replied with what I said in the first part of my post damn near verbatim. And the worst part of it, was that she was supplying pictures of her OWN kids in that thread.. and she wasn't the only parent doing so. Stuff like this is why I believe that some parents out there truly hate their kids.
I was horrified and angry and it made me sick.. and after I read her response to the question that some one asked her regarding how she got her collection. I left.
I sent the TOS report using the form on the IF homepage, but I then went on to IF Support and contacted one of the admins and told them what I saw and I gave them the url to the board and sent them the screenshots and the admin said that he would send it to Brandon.
After that, I then went to that PB forum that was run by the same people registered with the same throwaway alias and did the same thing. Their content on the PB forum was much worse.
After I took the screenshots, I logged off and reported the forum using the TOS form and then I logged into my account on PBS and pmed an admin, and showed him both the screenshots I took from both forums and included a link to both so that he could see for himself and I told him to make sure that he keeps the evidence safe because I will be deleting it off of my pc as soon as I can.
And I did exactly that. I deleted the screenshots and ended up replacing the hdd because it was starting to get a death rattle. I didnt even wait to get confirmation that the forum was deleted or that the host owners saw my report. I just didnt want to remember anything about that place.. and I deleted the throwaway email I used to register on both sites.
This experience not only made me even more against sharing my pics online, but I told my mother and my brother and sis-in-law not to either, and when they asked me why, I told them exactly what I saw.. my brother listened and he actually checks the pics before he allows them to be posted.
Anyway, I don't pretend to be a gender that I am not.. I just dont specify, or rather, back then I didn't, and on forums that I am not comfortable with I just don't answer that question.. and I try not to post anything that can blow my cover either.. The attention that we get online as soon as someone finds out you are a female is seriously disturbing. And I honestly don't understand it, nor want to, but it does make me wonder just what is going through their mind when guys do shit like this.