...there are no words here....none:
West Coast hip hop rapper The Game sends a tweet to the NYPD officers shot dead in their vehicle.
--I guess y'all "can't breathe" either. #RIPEricGarner #AllLivesMatter @ Brighton & Hove, UK http://instagram.com/p/w2H2PJGot1/ (The Game, 8:14pm 20 Dec. 2014)
Not surprisingly, many are condemning the tweet, and a lot of those tweets are from fans, some of which are now proclaiming to be ex-fans in light of the cold-hearted message directed at the slain police officers.
--@thegame wow I use to be a huge fan of your music. I will NEVER SUPPORT YOU EVER AGAIN YOU ARE A DISGUSTING ANIMAL KARMA WILL FIND YOU (Lexylushh, 10pm 20 Dec. 2014)
News has just broke of two Brooklyn, New York, police officers who were shot and killed in an ambush attack in their patrol car. While the story is still developing, the lone gunman has been identified as 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley. Immediately after executing the two officers, Brinsley fled the scene on foot and into a subway where he turned the gun on himself.
Just hours before the murder, Brinsley posted a cryptic message on his Instagram, in which he made the statement:
“I’m putting wings on pigs tonight. They take 1 of ours… Let’s take 2 of theirs.”
An image of a pistol accompanied the post, which is presumably the murder weapon. The hashtag #ShootThePolice was also used along with two other ones making reference to Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
As for rapper The Game’s response to the NYPD officers killed, a second post has been sent in response to the immense criticisms he received. He maintains that the original post was not directed at the murdered police officers but rather at a pic of New York counter protesters donning shirts that read “I can breathe.” The shirts were a response to the popular protest slogan “I can’t breathe,” which Garner uttered when he was taken down by a group of NYPD officers, one of which had him in a chokehold.
Read his entire post in his Instagram page.
In the lengthy response, The Game also chastised his critics for taking his first post out of context and reiterates his anger of the recent incidents that involved the death of black men at the hands of white police officers.
Rapper The Games’ response to the NYPD, whatever his intentions were, is clearly not the right way to gain favor with his fans. (Business 2 Community)