+freezy said:TRUE LIBERTY said:+freezy said:seasidemike said:+freezy said:yeah, racism has nothing to do with them being held down?
and there were no issues of employers hiring blacks in this country...
there's as much "family" structure, values and principles in the black community than any other race...
black people lost their will mostly due to them dealing with the constant racism and unfairness that the whites gave them...
yet there are many successful black people, even one became president, so it could also be said that people can use excuses to justify not getting off their asses and making their own lives better.
it can be easier to sit around and bitch about all the things one does not have, rather then putting the effort into making things better.
true, but we are talking about history, not today or even a decade ago...
in today's world, it's not easy for any white or black kid to be successful if they were born and raised in poverty... the ones that seem to be complaining about the black community are the ones that were born and raised in good communities and in the middle class and upper class...
In any time in American history let alone todays world it is not easy to be successful if you were born and raised in poverty. So that excuse is mute.
and most blacks are born and raised in poverty, that's the point...
it's not an excuse, it's a fact...
But it is a excuse. Since there is no race in the world that does not have to struggle in poor conditions but yet some of the successful people make it from those situations.
And when I see this black man who has absolutely nothing going for him at birth can be immensely successful everyone saying it in poverty with two good hands and feet is making a pitiful excuse.