Getting them the help they need to treat their dysphoria is more helpful than shoving them back in the closet and hoping they'll grow out of it. Forcing them into a life they can't adapt to, a puberty that will cause them nothing but torment, and then having to start from less than zero after 18, with a body that doesn't suit them. Then, if they do pursue it, they get mocked as being no hopers that'll never pass because they waited until after puberty to become who they are, who they have always been. To take the help away from these kids is a giant middle finger to them and I hope you'll be satisfied when so many more of them resort to suicide and self harm when they could be leading happy lives with very minimal early intervention. But nah, you go right ahead and impose your false morals and contorted beliefs that giving them said help so they don't end up a miserable, depressed, suicidal wreck like me is somehow harming them.