It can be difficult to *hair flick* while wearing a hijab.
To make up for it, these hilarious Muslim girls cranked up the sass factor of their boring yearbooks with some epic quotes.
Females of Islam often get a rough ride in the media and on TV, being portrayed as subservient bordering on oppressed.
But most of these students slayed that prejudice with a couple of sentences jam-packed with attitude.
So, with props to Ainee Fatima at Brown Girl Magazine, we bring you the badass best of the bunch,
The Voldemort one wins hands down, but they are all brilliant and the photos are gorgeous.
Your thoughts?
To make up for it, these hilarious Muslim girls cranked up the sass factor of their boring yearbooks with some epic quotes.
Females of Islam often get a rough ride in the media and on TV, being portrayed as subservient bordering on oppressed.
But most of these students slayed that prejudice with a couple of sentences jam-packed with attitude.
So, with props to Ainee Fatima at Brown Girl Magazine, we bring you the badass best of the bunch,

The Voldemort one wins hands down, but they are all brilliant and the photos are gorgeous.
Your thoughts?