Cancel culture is not a thing. What is perceived as cancel culture, is really just a mass rejection of absurdity (and worse things) and people showing their distaste for that behavior enmasse.
Ironically enough the people I have seen both online and off, that complained about cancel culture, were the biggest practitioner of it themselves. It is like that old saying, be careful who you point your finger at, because you've got 3 more pointing back at you. It really is just projection, and it has applied in others areas too.
It's like, if a knowingly person goes on to a forum run by a marginalized group, and the first thing they do is post offensive content directed at that group and then when they get the consequences, they complain about being cancelled and having a negative reputation. When in all truth, they really only did it to themselves. They didnt have to join and do what they did, they could have kept it moving. Some people just like the attention and we see that with people having temper tantrum in department stores or over some influenced drinking beer.
You really can't make this up.
At any rate, I have dealt with people who were absolute trollish idiots on my brother's forum, turn out to be very mature on mine.. I am not sure if it was a maturity thing or the result of self-reflection.
But I will say this.. I am not your mother, your s/o or your therapist. So I am not going to sit back and give you so many chances that I find myself watching your profile like a soap opera just hoping that you'll see the light and change your behavior. With me, its 3 strikes and you're out. Strike one is a warning, strike 2 is a week suspension and strike 3 is a ban. Depending on what that person did, and how long they've been there will determine the length of their punishment.
But if they do something that puts my site or its members at risk, then they wont even get to the third strike.. they will be gone immediately. And showing up under a new name w/ a confession is not indicative of changed behavior. We had a dude that registered 5 accounts (as himself, and ended up with about 12 in total) used different emails but had the same IP and everytime one of his accounts got a warning, suddenly one of the other 4 would pop up and be active and talking and asking about why the other account was suspended, sometimes talking amongst his other accounts as well.. and miraculously, when the punishment was lifted, the activity from the other accounts would cease.
Oh and the best part, when we banned all of his accounts, his "family" started popping up as character testimonials about why we should let him back onto the forum.
The dude never changed his behavior, and we ended up finding out why.. he was 9 years old, and had the audacity to threaten to tell his parents on us if we didn't let him back on. He did, and when his "mother" showed up talking about what a good kid he is, and how we just misunderstood him and we should give him another chance, it didn't take us very long to find out that it was yet another account of his and we told him that because he was only 9 years old, that it was illegal for him to be there and that if he showed up again, we would have him arrested for violating COPPA, and that he would have to explain to his REAL mother about why he was on a site for teenagers and posting what he did on it.
That seemed to work as we never saw him (or his mother's, brother's, sister's and cousins accounts) again.