Bluezone777 said:What I find missing is almost no mention of Jesus in all of this. My beliefs are that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and through my repentance or turning from sin and by putting my full faith in Him is what gives me salvation from my wickedness. It's not so apparent to people who know me here because I was saved not long before I got into forums.
The Bible is the word of God and with it tells us the story of God's involvement in the life of man and how wicked we are and how glorious He is. It shows how a Christian is to live as well as show the promises God made to those who believe and to those who don't. Having faith means trusting in those promises because they were fulfilled in the past and will be fulfilled in the present.
I will say I find it rather curious that the atheist in this discussion decided to use already made images of quotes he likely never written himself while atheists in general make the charge to think for yourself while he lets others do the thinking for him.
This world is as it is because of sin and has slowly fallen apart because we refused and continue to refuse to obey God and his laws. The more we disobey and rebel against him the worst our lives will become till we either turn to him and repent or end up dead where we face judgement by God for the lives we lived.
It's not enough for me to just say He exists because even the devil and his angels believe that and they tremble in His presence. I experienced far too much to ever doubt His existence. The reason God doesn't answer all prayers in the way you want them is because he sees our world far differently for he sees all both in this present moment and for all time.
the Human Race does enjoy pointing the fingers at everyone else but themselves, much? (;