I had to drop my motorcycle class because I felt unsafe and uncomfortable, I was barely reaching the ground on my tip toes, and it was too fast paced for my learning style. I learned how to ride one after being a completely new rider, and I learned a lot of safety teachings which was more than worth the course cost to me, especially because I dropped and fell off a couple of times. So at least I didn't put that damage on my own bike starting out. I decided it would be best to get my permit and master riding at my own pace. I was going to ask my bf's mom for help but when she asked me about the class, she told me that I should have just stuck it out in that very "mom" tone. I could of, if it wasn't so fast paced. Everyone learns differently.. She wasn't the one there, and its my life. It kind of irritates me that she is that way, usually it is as if however she feels about stuff is the way it should go which is why I don't really want to open up to her in general. Quite literally my whole family was like that growing up as well. My approach to other's situations is immediately looking at it from their POV. So it always boggles my mind when I get these kind of reactions. I'd never tell someone they should have stuck something out when they clearly did not make a decision lightly, like be for real. I just wish she wasn't like that and I couldn't even say anything to her besides "well it was what was best for me." I'm sure there are things about me that she wished were different, so I guess it's whatever.