points below* Like the woman below?
(The Guardian) Among those who gathered at Howard for the vice president’s concession speech was Joanne Howes, a founding member of Emily’s List, an influential fundraising group that supports Democratic women candidates who back abortion rights.
“Terrible,” she said when asked how she was doing. “I’ve been at this a long time and this time I really thought we were going to do it.” At 80, Howes said she was less hopeful now than she had ever been that she would see a female president.
“I am so angry at white women. I thought they were going to get it this time,” said Howes, who is white. “And those white women who voted for those ballot measures and then went to vote for Trump – figure that out.”
After appointing the justices who overturned Roe v Wade, Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing E Jean Carroll. Despite a campaign to remind women that their vote was a private matter that did not need to be shared with their husbands, national exit polls showed white women chose Trump by a sizeable margin.
“We’re going to feel sad and sorrowful, but then we have to get up again,” she said. “We can’t just accept that our democracy is over.”
I dont have as much smoke for WW like I did back in 2016..
The fact is that college educated Whites joined the rest of us. What fucked us was the uneducated Gen X'ers and the Latino men (who sees themselves as White, and shit on the rest of us BIPoC people due to their desired proximity to White privilege) but I'll use a term my late great-grandmother used to say, they have cut off their noses to spite their faces. Latino men whose consider themselves White are about to learn the simple fact that White Supremacists always break their tools.
See Nikki Haley, Marc Robinson, Herman Cain, et. al, and they along with the Muslims who voted Jill Stein are about to learn the hard way. I am disappointed she lost, but she can run again and if we play our cards right we as a coalition can send her to the White House.
That said, we aren't surprised by this.. I mean any time Black people got an iota of progress, white people were always there to stop it. We fought for Civil Rights in the 60s, you put up Confederate statues in states that didn't even exist during that war.
When you segregated us from your cities, we built our own and thrived until you claimed a white woman was raped and then burned them down. Only for her to say she lied.
We elected a Black POTUS, and you elected a pedophiliac son of a Klansmen. And when we were on the cusp of working class progress, you re-elected the pedophile. We had the most qualified and only candidate with experience in all 3 branches of government, and had a plan for us all, but no, once again you've shown that you'd rather burn the entire country down than share it with the people who built it.
So really this isnt a referendum on us as a country, it is a referendum on white people and those who desire your privilege. And I really feel bad for the white people out there who really believed in her like we all did, because it is like they really believed that we were in a post-hate society.
Black people have been dealing with this for 4 centuries and our ancestors have given us a virtual playbook on what to expect from y'all, while you passed down hate and lies about your own history.
But there is hope.
If we all educate ourselves on malignant narcissism and learn how to navigate them, then we can preserve our sanity while denying them the satisfaction of seeing us miserable. I say this because Trump's supporters are a mix of people..
Some are uneducated, dare I say part of the illiterate 54%.. and too proud to admit this or try to change it for the better.. so instead, they are simply proud of their ignorance despite the fact that their illiteracy costs us $2.4 Bn a year.. and are constantly exploited and abused by the GOP.
Some have normalized his toxicity and have come to see him as a father figure even though Stevie Wonder can see exactly how much Trump hates his supporters, but its likely part of the allure because their father's were exactly like him.
Some are narcissistic themselves, and this is important because in studying narcissistic personality disorder and the effects of narcissistic abuse then you will know exactly how to deal with them.
I would argue that White people in general are narcissistic and it would explain the pushback we've had against them since they came over on their dingies.. they believed that they were superior even though everything they got came off the backs of BIPoC people.. and that is still the case to this day. As soon as it was said that Black women were the most educated demographic in the country, y'all got rid of AA but kept legacy admissions. Do I even need to mention the fact that the SATs and LSATs, etc were designed to stop the admission of Black people into higher education? When we started passing those tests too, y'all came up with "legacy admissions" to keep us out, when our ancestors built the fucking school itself. Yet y'all have the nerve to say we got in because we were Black.. when the truth is that we have to work 10x as hard to get less than half of what white people get, which is usually because of who they know, slept with or donated to rather than merit. This is also the case of any non-white person.
As soon as it came out that Black and Brown people were thriving after Covid because they started their own businesses, y'all started coming after the grants that helped make it possible.
This is the reason why there has been so much pushback on "woke" because you see our true, brutally honest history as a criticism of the fairy tales your ancestors told you for generations.
And as soon as it was said that y'all would be a minority by 2050, you banned abortion, and soon enough contraceptives and IVF, et. al. Newsflash, you guys are already a minority and it isn't because of genocide, or Black men stealing "yer womens" it is because of your hate that kills you inside, and eventually, but not before you kill your own families. Also there is the fact that most self-identifed Whites are actually Latino and in the South 30%+ have African ancestry.. this is because of passing. There is a lot of "white" people who aren't really white and thanks to Ancestry.com they wear the fact that they are diverse with pride.. something your ancestors had to hide. Mine did too but it was to survive living in the South back then.
This is textbook narcissism because narcs can't regulate their own disappointment. When you tell someone from childhood that they are special and superior to everyone else, and the world is their oyster, and they grow up with the facts being extremely different from what they were raised to believe, then they become angry.. and want to hurt others. Instead disappointment turns to rage and that is what is at the core of all the isms. Narcissists are insecure, self-hating people who hate other people who don't hate themselves, and still thrive and succeed in spite of their hatred of us. This what is at the core of racism, classism, sexism, etc. They were told that Blacks were inferior and we always showed them that we weren't and still thrived on our own in spite of that. Others hate the LGBT+ because they are able to live their truth and the narc cannot, and so they go on a rage for that too.
Narcissism is what is at the core of school shootings, child molestation (narcs feel they are entitled power and sex and want their own personal harem and believe that the bodies of women and children belong to them.. this is why they tend to have a lot of children) rape, and just about all of the hateful stuff that someone seeking fame and power would do.
Women came out strong against Trump because we all know what it is like to have a creepy dude who doesn't take no for an answer trying to force himself on us, and it is exhausting.. when some women relent and give in, she is not making the choice because she wants you, its because you forced her to give in. And those who were in abusive relationships with these men know exactly how exhausting it is.
We all have been exhausted by Trump and the GOP since Obama and like before then too. But like with an abusive narc, we end up going back thinking that they have changed and would be better. This is caused by the fact that repeated exposure to abuse affects your hippocampus and that is the area that retains memory. We were all thoroughly abused by Trump in his first term and those who are used to it from their upbringing or abusive relationships weren't likely to remember his term anymore than they remember why they left their abusive ex. Narcissistic abusers bank on this every time.. which is why they know you will always take them back thinking they changed.
The issue with this is that, narcs don't change, they can't change, because they don't think they are wrong in the first place, and if they do change, it is always for the worst, even the top psychologists out there will tell you that and Trump and his supporters have been a case study in narcissism. And so, much like a narcissistic ex, when you take them back, they will surely be worse than the last time. So once again, rather than deal with your own insecurities, so that you can progress forward as a people, you instead doubled down and once again allowed Trump to force himself on America and her children.
But like I said, if you educate yourself on narcissism and where it comes from (hint: abusive homes) then you will realize that the GOP have been treating our entire country like a domestic abuser runs his household and in doing so, you will end up with a playbook on how to deal with obnoxious Trump supporters. Most of them simply want attention as their supply because it will legitimize their belief but if you deny them that, then they aren't so scary now.. instead they look stupid.. and you will have preserved your own sanity.
Educating yourself on this will help empower you too because you will have an upperhand, while they will have nothing. This is why dictators hate criticism and ridicule.. it is their Achilles Heel. They want you to be afraid of them thinking they are all powerful, but if you don't pay attention then that will take the wind out of their sails.
More importantly though, most of these people are uneducated and in a world they can't keep up with.. they are effectively Neanderthals who can't adapt to the world around them. But if you care about these people in your life then it has to be up to you to help them see the light. We have a literacy problem in this country as well as a mental health issue as well. This is the result of the shuttering mental health clinics nationwide sting the 70s. Many of these people were exploited just as Ginni Thomas was by the GOP. This, in addition to the fact that Boomers were miseducated and taught NOT to think critically after the Civil Rights Era and the fact that they STOPPED teaching history and civics was a factor too. This allowed them to get screwed by the GOP until now since Boomers went for Harris 50/49. So at least they redeemed themselves from 2016.
But like I said there is hope.
Showing some compassion to these people and helping them to see why and how Trump is bad and what plans we could have had under a Harris admin, could help us in our fight going forward. Playing this hand carefully could have big returns in the future because we are a nation of fighters, but we have to be unified to stand a chance. After all, narcissists are cowards, and they will fold to the slightest bit of criticism and bravery which is why divide and conquer is their strategy. But to have a chance, we need to stick together, and show some compassion, while educating the uninformed, otherwise we will fall just like Germany did, and the Roman Empire before that.
And if you find that you can't get through to the people in your life, then you just might have to cut them off for the greater good. Doing so would be an act of self-care and self-preservation as well.
Whether we succeed with a rebound or fail miserably will depend on whether or not white people get their act together on this. Gen X is screwed the hardest because being the "sandwich generation" Harris had a plan for helping them care for their parents AND their children. And they blew it all for a bunch of pedophiles and an elderly 80's wrestler who can't take off his own shirt. The things they complained about and erroneously blamed Biden-Harris for, will surely and sorely be worse under Trump.
Oh well.
We all understood the assignment and did our part, now it is white people's turn at the wheel to do the same. We did our part and we are getting tired of dealing with the same racist bullshit for 4 fucking centuries now.