Scenes From A Hat #22
--Unlikely Subjects To Be The Basis For A Musical
-Justice: What's the matter with roadkill?!? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ROADKILL????
-Nebulous: How does food become poo? I'll tell you!
-Jacob: Why do dogs lick themselves?
--Things You Shouldn't Do Last-Minute...
-Webster: Have a good first day at school....daddy's gay!
--Unlikely First Lines Of Medical Ads...
-Nebulous: Ever wonder how food becomes poo?
-Doc Leftover: Been decapitated recently?
--What's Really Going Through President Obama's Mind During Cabinet Meetings....
-Liberty: How can I fuck up the country more than I already have?
-Webster: Which direction is Mecca again?
-Justice: So that's what the Wookie was eating last night?
-Nebulous: So that's where poo comes from...
--What Your Partner Is Saying Right Now...
-Nebulous: I'm happy Webster has big feet....
-Jazzy: Is that Frankie or Brad Pitt?
-Webster: Can that man make love or what?
-Jazzy: I love my husband Frankie...
-Nebulous: I love her husband Frankie...
--Boy Scout Merit Badges We've Never Heard Of
-Jazzy: Table dancing!
-Doc Leftover: Animal genitalia!
--Diet Books That Didn't Fly Off The Shelves...
-Justice: How To Lose Weight By Doc Leftover
-Webster: Eat Yourself Wise By Justice
--Strange 900 Numbers
-Nebulous: Hi, you've reached the animal genitalia hotline...
-Justice: Hi, I love Frankie... *Frankie picks up phone and says 'hello?'...* ...I love Frankie....
-Webster: *in a robotic voice* So you need more gay jokes, Nebulous? Here are some more gay jokes for you, Nebulous...
--Bad Race Horse Names To Bet On...
-Doc Leftover: Go, Gonna' Be Glue! Go, Gonna' Be Glue!
-Jazzy: C'mon, No Legs! C'mon!
-Webster: Go, Nose By A Nose, go!
-Justice: I got $1000 on Ass Backward Liberty!
--Unlikely Subjects To Be The Basis For A Musical
-Justice: What's the matter with roadkill?!? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ROADKILL????
-Nebulous: How does food become poo? I'll tell you!
-Jacob: Why do dogs lick themselves?
--Things You Shouldn't Do Last-Minute...
-Webster: Have a good first day at school....daddy's gay!
--Unlikely First Lines Of Medical Ads...
-Nebulous: Ever wonder how food becomes poo?
-Doc Leftover: Been decapitated recently?
--What's Really Going Through President Obama's Mind During Cabinet Meetings....
-Liberty: How can I fuck up the country more than I already have?
-Webster: Which direction is Mecca again?
-Justice: So that's what the Wookie was eating last night?

-Nebulous: So that's where poo comes from...
--What Your Partner Is Saying Right Now...
-Nebulous: I'm happy Webster has big feet....
-Jazzy: Is that Frankie or Brad Pitt?
-Webster: Can that man make love or what?
-Jazzy: I love my husband Frankie...
-Nebulous: I love her husband Frankie...
--Boy Scout Merit Badges We've Never Heard Of
-Jazzy: Table dancing!
-Doc Leftover: Animal genitalia!
--Diet Books That Didn't Fly Off The Shelves...
-Justice: How To Lose Weight By Doc Leftover
-Webster: Eat Yourself Wise By Justice
--Strange 900 Numbers
-Nebulous: Hi, you've reached the animal genitalia hotline...
-Justice: Hi, I love Frankie... *Frankie picks up phone and says 'hello?'...* ...I love Frankie....
-Webster: *in a robotic voice* So you need more gay jokes, Nebulous? Here are some more gay jokes for you, Nebulous...
--Bad Race Horse Names To Bet On...
-Doc Leftover: Go, Gonna' Be Glue! Go, Gonna' Be Glue!
-Jazzy: C'mon, No Legs! C'mon!
-Webster: Go, Nose By A Nose, go!
-Justice: I got $1000 on Ass Backward Liberty!